Nama : Iin Rohmatun Anita Z
NIM : A320080311
widyaningsih: she is open mainded people because she tell story about her life and her experience, and her friends can give comment for her and sh can take the suggestion, and sh ealso can give suggestion from her friends. but, not only always open mainded because actually people has private side.
2. Dyah hayu : she is gamez man area, because she has private area and i don't really know about her, jusr know about outside.
3. Sabilla Prima Devi : she also open mainded people, because if any something new news abot her life, she not forget to tell to her friend.
4. Arif Wijaya : he is open mainded people, and he also can give other suggest if any people ask his help.
5. Dian Antana Putra : he has open maindede category, because if he feel comfort with someone, he can tell the thruth but the other side, he has private area,
Sabtu, 05 November 2011
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
Tugas Reading 3.
Bu Dwi Harayanti
Nama: Iin Romatun anita Z
NIM: A32080311
Text 1
It has long been known that when exposed to light under suitable condition of temperature and moisture, the green parts of plants are carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen to it. These exchanges are te opposite of those that occur in respiration. The process is called photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, carbohydrates are synthesis from carbon dioxide and water by the chloroplasts of plant cells in the presence of light. In most plants, the water used photosynthesis is absorbed from the soil by the roots and translocated through the xylem of the root and stem the leaves. Except for the usually small percentage used respiration, the oxygen released in the process diffuses out of the leaf into ye atmosphere trough the stomates. Oxygen is the product of the reaction. For each molecule of carbon dioxide used, one molecule of oxygen is released. A summary chemical equation for photosynthesis is:
6CO2+6H2O→C6 H12 O6+ 6O2
As result of this process, radiant energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy. In turn, the chemical energy is used to decompose carbon dioxide and water. The products of their decomposition are recombined into a new compound, which is successively built up into more and more complex substances. After many intermediate steps, sugar is produced. At the same time, a balance of gases is preserved in the atmosphere.
1. Which title best expressed the ideas in this passage?
(a) A chemical Equation
(b) The process of Photosynthesis
(c) The Parts of Vascular Plants
(d) The Production of Sugar
2. in photosynthesis water
(a) must be present
(b) is produced in carbohydrates
(c) is stored as chemical energy
(d) interrupts the chemical reaction
3. Which process is the opposite of photosynthesis?
(a) Decomposition
(b) Synthesis
(c) Diffusion
(d) Respiration
4. The combination of carbon dioxide and water form sugar results in an excess of
(a) water
(b) oxygen
(c) carbon
(d) chlorophyll
5. The word “stored” in line 13 closet it meaning to
(a) retained
(b) converted
(c) discovered
(d) specific
6. In photosynthesis, energy from the sun is
(a) changed to chemical energy
(b) conducted from the xylem to the leaves of green plants
(c) not necessary to the process
(d) released one to one for each molecule of carbon dioxide used
7. The word “ their” in line 15 refers to
(a) radiant energy and chemical energy
(b) carbon dioxide and water
(c) product
(d) complex substance
8. The word “ successively” in line 15 is close in meaning to
(a) with effort
(b) in sequence
(c) slowly
(d) carefully
9. Besides the manufacture of food for plants, what is another benefit of photosynthesis?
(a) It produces solar energy
(b) It diffuses additional carbon dioxide into the air
(c) It maintains a balance of gases in the atmosphere
(d) It removes harmful gases from the air
10. Which of the following is not true of the oxygen used in photosynthesis?
(a) Oxygen is absorbed of the root
(b) Oxygen is the product of photosynthesis
(c) Oxygen is used in respiration
(d) Oxygen is released into the atmosphere through the leaves
Telah lama diketahui bahwa ketika terkena cahaya kondisi di bawah sesuai suhu dan kelembaban, Bagian hijau tanaman adalah karbon dioksida dari atmosfer dan membebaskan oksigen untuk itu dalam pertukaran itu telah terjadi dari dalam pernafasan. Prose situ disebut photosintesis. Dalam fotosintesis, carbohidrat ialah hasil sintesa dari karbondioksida da air dengan menggunakan akar dan di salurkan terus memlalui xylem akar dan batang daun. Keculi untuk yang biasanya mempunyai presentasi kecil dalam menggunakan pernafasan, oksigen dibebaskan dalam proses difusi ke daun menuju atmosper sampai ke stomata. Oksigen adalah produksi dalam suatu raksi. Untuk setiap molejuk daro karbondioksida yang digunakan 1 molekul iksigen dibebaskan/ disebar. Hasi kesimpulan rumus kimia fotosintesis adalah:
6CO2+6H2O→C6 H12 O6+ 6O2
Sebagai hasil dari proses ini, energi sinar dari matahari menyimpan energi kimia. Pada gilirannya, energi kimia digunakan untuk menguraikankarbon dioksida dan air. Hasil produksi daro pembusukan itu dikombinasikan kedalam satu senyawa baru, yang berturut-turut dibangun menjadi zat yang lebih dan lebih kompleks. Kemudian beberapa step dilanutkan, gulapun diproduksi. Dalam waktu tang sama, keseimbanagan gas adalah menjga di dalam atmosfer.
Kunci jawaban
1. B 6. A
2. A 7. B
3. C 8. B
4. B 9. B
5. A 10. A
Text 2
Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of is vast fortune in trust as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to individuals and organizations who had achieved the greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year. Originally, there were six classifications for outstanding contributions designated in Nobel’s will including chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace.
The prizes are administrated by Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated writing by a qualified authority in the field of Competition. Recipients in physic, chemistry, and economics are selected by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; in physiology or medicine by Caroline Institute; in literature by the Swedish Academy; and in peace by Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by Norway’s parliament. The prizes are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each one includes a gold medal, a diploma, and cash award of about one million dollars.
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
(a) Alfred Bernhard Nobel
(b) The Nobel Prize
(c) Great contribution to mankind
(d) Swedish philanthropist
2. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel?
(a) He left money in this will to establish a fund for the prizes
(b) He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy
(c) He is now living in Sweden
(d) He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prize
3. how often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
(a) Five times a year
(b) Once a year
(c) Twice a year
(d) Once every two tears
4. The word “outstanding” in line 4 could best be replaced by
(a) Recent
(b) Unusual
(c) Established
(d) Exceptional
5. The word “ will” in line 4 refers to
(a) Nobel’s wishes
(b) A legal document
(c) A future intention
(d) A free choice
6. A Nobel prize would NOT be given
(a) an author who wrote a novel
(b) a doctor who discovered a vaccine
(c) a composer who wrote a symphony
(d) a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement
7. The word “ one” in line 13 refers to
(a) Tribute
(b) Anniversary
(c) Prize
(d) Candidate
8. Which individual or generation serves as administration for the trust?
(a) The King of Sweden
(b) Te Nobel Foundation
© The Central Bank of Sweden
(d) Swedish and Norwegian academies and institute
9. The word “appropriate” in line 13 is closest in meaning to
(a) Prestigious
(b) Customary
(c) Suitable
(d) Transitory
10. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
(a) It is a tribute to the King of Sweden
(b) Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that day
© That date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will
(d)0 The Central Bank of Sweden administrates the trust
Alfred Bernard Nobel, seorang pencipota dan seoramg dermawan dari Swedia, mewariskan sebagian besar adalah keberuntungan besar di percaya sebagai dana dari mana hadiah tahunan dapat diberikan kepada individu dan organisasi yang telah mencapai manfaat terbesar bagi kemanusiaan dalam suatu tahun tertentu. Awalnya, ada enam klasifikasi untuk kontribusi luar biasa yang ditunjuk di Nobel akan termasuk kimia, fisik, fisiologi ataukedokteran, sastra, dan perdamaian internasional.
Penghargaan ini dikelola oleh Nobel foundation di Stockol. Pada tahun 1969, telah ditambah penghargaan ekonomi dibantu oleh Bank Sentral dari Swedia. para calon pemegang hadiah. Harus dinominasikan tertulis oleh orang yangberkualitas di bidang Kompetisi penerima dalam Fisika, Kimia dan Ekonomi di piklih oleh Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, dalam fisiologi atau kedokteran oleh Caroline Institute, dalam literatur oleh Akademi Swedia; dan perdamaian oleh Komite Nobel Norwegia yang ditunjuk oleh parlemen Norwegia. Penghargaan biasanya dipersembahklan di Stockhol di tanggal 10 Desember, yang dipimpin oleh Raha Swedia, yang pantas mendaopatkan hadiah Alfred Nobel dalam 1 tahun kematiannya. Masing-masing mencakup medali emas, diploma, danpenghargaan uang tunai sekitar satu juta dolar.
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
Text 3
According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurl streams of solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.
A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.
Sunspots range in size from tiny granules to complex structure with areas stretching for billion of square miles. About 5% of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without instruments; consequently, observations of sunspot have been recorded for several thousand years.
Sunspots have been absorbed in arrangements of one to more than one hundred spots, but they tend to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given sunspot is closely related too the spot’s size.
Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature function of sunspots, several models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the north and south poles the sun.
1. What the author’s main purpose in the passage?
(a) To propose a theory to explain sunspots
(b) To describe the nature of sunspots
(c) To compare the umbra and the penumbra in sunspots
(d) To argue for the existence of magnetic fields in sunspots
2. The word “ controversial” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
(a) Widely accepted
(b) Open to debate
(c) Just introduced
(d) Very complicated
3, Solar particles at=re hurled into space by
(a) undetermined causes
(b) Disturbances of wind
© small rivers on the surface of the sun
(e) changes in the earth’s atmosphere
4. The word “ particles” in line 2 refers to
(a) gas explosions in the atmosphere
(b) light rays from the sun
(c) liquid streams on the sun
(d) small pieces of matter from the sun
5. How can we describe matter from the sun that enters the earth’s atmosphere?
(a) Very small
(b) Very ho
(c) Very bright
(d) Very hard
6. The sunspot theory is
(a) not considered very important
(b) Widely accepted
(c) Subject to disagreement
(d) Relatively new
7. Te word “ they” in line 9 9 refers to
(a) structure
(b) Spots
(c) Miles
(d) Granules
8. The word “ consequently” in line 10 could best be replaced by
(a) As a result
(b) Nevertheless
(c) Without doubt
(d) In this way
9. In which configuration do sunspots usually occur?
(a) In one spot of varying size
(b) In a configuration of two spots
(c) In arrangement of the hundred or more spots
(d) In groups of several thousand spots
10. How are sunspot explained?
(a) Sunspot appear to be related to magnetic fields on the earth
(b) Sunspots may be related to magnetic fields that follow longitudinal lines on the sun
(c) Sunspots are explained by storms that occur on the earth
(d) Sunspots have no theory or model to explained them.
Menurut teori bintik matahari yang controversial, permikaan badai yang besar dari melemparkan aliran matahari dari partikel solar kedalam atmosphere, yang menyebabkan berubahnya musim/cuaca di bumi.
Kriteria bintik matahari terdiri dari pusat gelap umbra yang mengiiiitari cahaya penumbra pada cahaya dan benang gelap yang menyampaikan daro pudat sperti jari-jari roda tyang memutar. Kenyataannya, bintik matahari lebih dingin dari pada sisa-sisa fotosfer, dimana bias dihitun sstiap dari setiap warnanya. Criteria, temperature/ suu yang ada di bintik matahari umbra sekitar 4000 K, menginagt suu temperature panas penumbra 5500 K, dan granula berbintik yaiitu 6000 K.
Sunspots berbagai ukuran dari butiran kecil untuk struktur yang kompleks dengan daerah peregangan untuk 1 miliar mil persegi.Sekitar 5% dari tempat yang cukup besar sehingga mereka dapat dilihat tanpa instrumen; akibatnya, pengamatan sunspottelah dicatat selama beberapa ribu tahun.
Bintik matahari telah diserap dalam pengaturan dari satu ke lebihdari seratus tempat, tetapi mereka cenderung terjadi pada pasangan. Ada juga kecenderungan ditandai untuk dua tempatdari pasangan untuk memiliki polaritas magnet yang berlawanan.Selanjutnya, kekuatan dengan medan magnet apapun terkait bintik matahari yang diberikan sangat erat terkait juga ukuran bintik.
Meskipun tidak ada teori yang benar-benar menjelaskan fungsisifat bintik matahari, beberapa model usaha menghubungkanfenomena medan magnet sepanjang garis bujur dari utara dan kutub selatan matahari.
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
Bu Dwi Harayanti
Nama: Iin Romatun anita Z
NIM: A32080311
Text 1
It has long been known that when exposed to light under suitable condition of temperature and moisture, the green parts of plants are carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen to it. These exchanges are te opposite of those that occur in respiration. The process is called photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, carbohydrates are synthesis from carbon dioxide and water by the chloroplasts of plant cells in the presence of light. In most plants, the water used photosynthesis is absorbed from the soil by the roots and translocated through the xylem of the root and stem the leaves. Except for the usually small percentage used respiration, the oxygen released in the process diffuses out of the leaf into ye atmosphere trough the stomates. Oxygen is the product of the reaction. For each molecule of carbon dioxide used, one molecule of oxygen is released. A summary chemical equation for photosynthesis is:
6CO2+6H2O→C6 H12 O6+ 6O2
As result of this process, radiant energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy. In turn, the chemical energy is used to decompose carbon dioxide and water. The products of their decomposition are recombined into a new compound, which is successively built up into more and more complex substances. After many intermediate steps, sugar is produced. At the same time, a balance of gases is preserved in the atmosphere.
1. Which title best expressed the ideas in this passage?
(a) A chemical Equation
(b) The process of Photosynthesis
(c) The Parts of Vascular Plants
(d) The Production of Sugar
2. in photosynthesis water
(a) must be present
(b) is produced in carbohydrates
(c) is stored as chemical energy
(d) interrupts the chemical reaction
3. Which process is the opposite of photosynthesis?
(a) Decomposition
(b) Synthesis
(c) Diffusion
(d) Respiration
4. The combination of carbon dioxide and water form sugar results in an excess of
(a) water
(b) oxygen
(c) carbon
(d) chlorophyll
5. The word “stored” in line 13 closet it meaning to
(a) retained
(b) converted
(c) discovered
(d) specific
6. In photosynthesis, energy from the sun is
(a) changed to chemical energy
(b) conducted from the xylem to the leaves of green plants
(c) not necessary to the process
(d) released one to one for each molecule of carbon dioxide used
7. The word “ their” in line 15 refers to
(a) radiant energy and chemical energy
(b) carbon dioxide and water
(c) product
(d) complex substance
8. The word “ successively” in line 15 is close in meaning to
(a) with effort
(b) in sequence
(c) slowly
(d) carefully
9. Besides the manufacture of food for plants, what is another benefit of photosynthesis?
(a) It produces solar energy
(b) It diffuses additional carbon dioxide into the air
(c) It maintains a balance of gases in the atmosphere
(d) It removes harmful gases from the air
10. Which of the following is not true of the oxygen used in photosynthesis?
(a) Oxygen is absorbed of the root
(b) Oxygen is the product of photosynthesis
(c) Oxygen is used in respiration
(d) Oxygen is released into the atmosphere through the leaves
Telah lama diketahui bahwa ketika terkena cahaya kondisi di bawah sesuai suhu dan kelembaban, Bagian hijau tanaman adalah karbon dioksida dari atmosfer dan membebaskan oksigen untuk itu dalam pertukaran itu telah terjadi dari dalam pernafasan. Prose situ disebut photosintesis. Dalam fotosintesis, carbohidrat ialah hasil sintesa dari karbondioksida da air dengan menggunakan akar dan di salurkan terus memlalui xylem akar dan batang daun. Keculi untuk yang biasanya mempunyai presentasi kecil dalam menggunakan pernafasan, oksigen dibebaskan dalam proses difusi ke daun menuju atmosper sampai ke stomata. Oksigen adalah produksi dalam suatu raksi. Untuk setiap molejuk daro karbondioksida yang digunakan 1 molekul iksigen dibebaskan/ disebar. Hasi kesimpulan rumus kimia fotosintesis adalah:
6CO2+6H2O→C6 H12 O6+ 6O2
Sebagai hasil dari proses ini, energi sinar dari matahari menyimpan energi kimia. Pada gilirannya, energi kimia digunakan untuk menguraikankarbon dioksida dan air. Hasil produksi daro pembusukan itu dikombinasikan kedalam satu senyawa baru, yang berturut-turut dibangun menjadi zat yang lebih dan lebih kompleks. Kemudian beberapa step dilanutkan, gulapun diproduksi. Dalam waktu tang sama, keseimbanagan gas adalah menjga di dalam atmosfer.
Kunci jawaban
1. B 6. A
2. A 7. B
3. C 8. B
4. B 9. B
5. A 10. A
Text 2
Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of is vast fortune in trust as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to individuals and organizations who had achieved the greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year. Originally, there were six classifications for outstanding contributions designated in Nobel’s will including chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace.
The prizes are administrated by Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated writing by a qualified authority in the field of Competition. Recipients in physic, chemistry, and economics are selected by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; in physiology or medicine by Caroline Institute; in literature by the Swedish Academy; and in peace by Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by Norway’s parliament. The prizes are usually presented in Stockholm on December 10, with King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each one includes a gold medal, a diploma, and cash award of about one million dollars.
1. What does this passage mainly discuss?
(a) Alfred Bernhard Nobel
(b) The Nobel Prize
(c) Great contribution to mankind
(d) Swedish philanthropist
2. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel?
(a) He left money in this will to establish a fund for the prizes
(b) He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy
(c) He is now living in Sweden
(d) He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prize
3. how often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
(a) Five times a year
(b) Once a year
(c) Twice a year
(d) Once every two tears
4. The word “outstanding” in line 4 could best be replaced by
(a) Recent
(b) Unusual
(c) Established
(d) Exceptional
5. The word “ will” in line 4 refers to
(a) Nobel’s wishes
(b) A legal document
(c) A future intention
(d) A free choice
6. A Nobel prize would NOT be given
(a) an author who wrote a novel
(b) a doctor who discovered a vaccine
(c) a composer who wrote a symphony
(d) a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement
7. The word “ one” in line 13 refers to
(a) Tribute
(b) Anniversary
(c) Prize
(d) Candidate
8. Which individual or generation serves as administration for the trust?
(a) The King of Sweden
(b) Te Nobel Foundation
© The Central Bank of Sweden
(d) Swedish and Norwegian academies and institute
9. The word “appropriate” in line 13 is closest in meaning to
(a) Prestigious
(b) Customary
(c) Suitable
(d) Transitory
10. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
(a) It is a tribute to the King of Sweden
(b) Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that day
© That date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will
(d)0 The Central Bank of Sweden administrates the trust
Alfred Bernard Nobel, seorang pencipota dan seoramg dermawan dari Swedia, mewariskan sebagian besar adalah keberuntungan besar di percaya sebagai dana dari mana hadiah tahunan dapat diberikan kepada individu dan organisasi yang telah mencapai manfaat terbesar bagi kemanusiaan dalam suatu tahun tertentu. Awalnya, ada enam klasifikasi untuk kontribusi luar biasa yang ditunjuk di Nobel akan termasuk kimia, fisik, fisiologi ataukedokteran, sastra, dan perdamaian internasional.
Penghargaan ini dikelola oleh Nobel foundation di Stockol. Pada tahun 1969, telah ditambah penghargaan ekonomi dibantu oleh Bank Sentral dari Swedia. para calon pemegang hadiah. Harus dinominasikan tertulis oleh orang yangberkualitas di bidang Kompetisi penerima dalam Fisika, Kimia dan Ekonomi di piklih oleh Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, dalam fisiologi atau kedokteran oleh Caroline Institute, dalam literatur oleh Akademi Swedia; dan perdamaian oleh Komite Nobel Norwegia yang ditunjuk oleh parlemen Norwegia. Penghargaan biasanya dipersembahklan di Stockhol di tanggal 10 Desember, yang dipimpin oleh Raha Swedia, yang pantas mendaopatkan hadiah Alfred Nobel dalam 1 tahun kematiannya. Masing-masing mencakup medali emas, diploma, danpenghargaan uang tunai sekitar satu juta dolar.
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B
Text 3
According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms on the surface of the sun hurl streams of solar particles into the atmosphere, causing a shift in the weather on earth.
A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually, the sunspots are cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their color. Typically, the temperature in a sunspot umbra is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra registers 5500 K, and the granules outside the spot are 6000 K.
Sunspots range in size from tiny granules to complex structure with areas stretching for billion of square miles. About 5% of the spots are large enough so that they can be seen without instruments; consequently, observations of sunspot have been recorded for several thousand years.
Sunspots have been absorbed in arrangements of one to more than one hundred spots, but they tend to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given sunspot is closely related too the spot’s size.
Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature function of sunspots, several models attempt to relate the phenomenon to magnetic fields along the lines of longitude from the north and south poles the sun.
1. What the author’s main purpose in the passage?
(a) To propose a theory to explain sunspots
(b) To describe the nature of sunspots
(c) To compare the umbra and the penumbra in sunspots
(d) To argue for the existence of magnetic fields in sunspots
2. The word “ controversial” in line 1 is closest in meaning to
(a) Widely accepted
(b) Open to debate
(c) Just introduced
(d) Very complicated
3, Solar particles at=re hurled into space by
(a) undetermined causes
(b) Disturbances of wind
© small rivers on the surface of the sun
(e) changes in the earth’s atmosphere
4. The word “ particles” in line 2 refers to
(a) gas explosions in the atmosphere
(b) light rays from the sun
(c) liquid streams on the sun
(d) small pieces of matter from the sun
5. How can we describe matter from the sun that enters the earth’s atmosphere?
(a) Very small
(b) Very ho
(c) Very bright
(d) Very hard
6. The sunspot theory is
(a) not considered very important
(b) Widely accepted
(c) Subject to disagreement
(d) Relatively new
7. Te word “ they” in line 9 9 refers to
(a) structure
(b) Spots
(c) Miles
(d) Granules
8. The word “ consequently” in line 10 could best be replaced by
(a) As a result
(b) Nevertheless
(c) Without doubt
(d) In this way
9. In which configuration do sunspots usually occur?
(a) In one spot of varying size
(b) In a configuration of two spots
(c) In arrangement of the hundred or more spots
(d) In groups of several thousand spots
10. How are sunspot explained?
(a) Sunspot appear to be related to magnetic fields on the earth
(b) Sunspots may be related to magnetic fields that follow longitudinal lines on the sun
(c) Sunspots are explained by storms that occur on the earth
(d) Sunspots have no theory or model to explained them.
Menurut teori bintik matahari yang controversial, permikaan badai yang besar dari melemparkan aliran matahari dari partikel solar kedalam atmosphere, yang menyebabkan berubahnya musim/cuaca di bumi.
Kriteria bintik matahari terdiri dari pusat gelap umbra yang mengiiiitari cahaya penumbra pada cahaya dan benang gelap yang menyampaikan daro pudat sperti jari-jari roda tyang memutar. Kenyataannya, bintik matahari lebih dingin dari pada sisa-sisa fotosfer, dimana bias dihitun sstiap dari setiap warnanya. Criteria, temperature/ suu yang ada di bintik matahari umbra sekitar 4000 K, menginagt suu temperature panas penumbra 5500 K, dan granula berbintik yaiitu 6000 K.
Sunspots berbagai ukuran dari butiran kecil untuk struktur yang kompleks dengan daerah peregangan untuk 1 miliar mil persegi.Sekitar 5% dari tempat yang cukup besar sehingga mereka dapat dilihat tanpa instrumen; akibatnya, pengamatan sunspottelah dicatat selama beberapa ribu tahun.
Bintik matahari telah diserap dalam pengaturan dari satu ke lebihdari seratus tempat, tetapi mereka cenderung terjadi pada pasangan. Ada juga kecenderungan ditandai untuk dua tempatdari pasangan untuk memiliki polaritas magnet yang berlawanan.Selanjutnya, kekuatan dengan medan magnet apapun terkait bintik matahari yang diberikan sangat erat terkait juga ukuran bintik.
Meskipun tidak ada teori yang benar-benar menjelaskan fungsisifat bintik matahari, beberapa model usaha menghubungkanfenomena medan magnet sepanjang garis bujur dari utara dan kutub selatan matahari.
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. B
Jumat, 03 Juni 2011
The Zoo Story...
Iin Rohmatun Anita Z
A 3200 80 311
Analysis the Zoo Story
A. Character and characterization
1. Peter:
Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets who lives in ignorance of the world outside his settled life.
2. Jerry:
Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man who lives in a boarding house and is very troubled.
B. Setting:
1. Place: New York's Central Park Zoo.
2. Time: on a sunny afternoon.
C. Plot:
While Peter is reading a book on a bench in Central Park, he is interrupted by Jerry, a total stranger, who announces that he has just been to the zoo. Anxious to return to his reading, Peter reacts with merely vague interest and lights his pipe, but he is immediately made uncomfortable by Jerry’s queries about his marital status, children, work, and menage of cats and parakeets. After repeating that he has been to the zoo and that Peter will read about it in the papers the next day if he does not see it on television that very night, Jerry follows several digressions about sociological class distinctions, literary tastes, and his daylong wanderings. He also gives a detailed description of his rooming house and its characters on the Upper West Side. Peter is embarrassed to hear these sordid details. Jerry says that, unlike Peter, he owns little except for toilet articles, pornographic playing cards, eight or nine books, cutlery, empty picture frames, an old Western Union typewriter that prints nothing but capital letters, and a small box containing letters and some sea-rounded rocks that he picked up on a beach when he was a boy. Then he tells of his mother’s desertion of his father and him, as well as her promiscuity, alcoholism, and death at Christmas. He continues with his father’s accidental death and the demise, on Jerry’s high school graduation day, of his guardian, a dour aunt. Jerry confides that his relationships with women are limited to solitary encounters with prostitutes and that his only love affair was a brief one, at age fifteen, with a Greek boy. Then he launches into a long monologue about his disgusting, lusty, alcoholic landlady and her ugly, savage black dog that attacked Jerry daily whenever he tried to enter the rooming house, although he attempted to pacify it by feeding it hamburger for six days. On the seventh day, he poisoned the meat, and the dog fell extremely ill. Strangely, Jerry no longer wanted the dog to die; he had come to believe that if he could somehow make contact with the dog, he could then make contact with people. The moment of contact passed, however, and was lost. From then on, Jerry and the dog lapsed into mutual indifference. Jerry claims to have learned from this misadventure that kindness and cruelty, like other conflicting emotions, are the reality of being. This story has a hypnotic effect on Peter, who makes no comment during its lengthy recitation. Grotesquely exhausted at the end of the story, Jerry sits down on the bench beside Peter and sees that he has annoyed and confused Peter instead of making a breakthrough in communication. Suddenly playful, he tickles Peter’s ribs, driving Peter into almost hysterical laughter. He pokes Peter, then punches him in the arm and forces him to move down the bench. Easily goaded by Jerry’s insults to his manhood, Peter decides to fight for the bench, but when Jerry clicks open a knife and tosses it at him, Peter refuses to pick it up. Jerry rushes over, grabs him by the collar, slaps him, spits on his face, and forces Peter to dart for the knife. Then, sighing heavily, Jerry charges Peter and impales himself on the knife. As Jerry crumbles back onto the bench, with his eyes and mouth wide in agony, his voice acquires an eerie remoteness. Peter is transfixed as Jerry, with faint laughter, tries to summarize in broken, disjointed sentences his knowledge of his own actions. The world, he has found, is a zoo, and he thanks Peter for ending his anguished life. Slowly wiping clean the knife handle with his own handkerchief, Jerry urges Peter to hurry away. As Peter retreats with a pitiable howl, Jerry ends the play with a combination of scornful mockery and a desperate supplication to the God who failed to give him a cure for his desperate alienation.
D. Point of View:
The point of view is the third person. Narrator is not involved in this drama. The narrator is just telling the story.
E. Themes:
The first theme used within this story is isolation. Regardless of who you are, most people have felt isolation at one point in time during their life. Anyone can really relate to this theme the author used in this play. Jerry feels isolated from the world because he has no one to turn to or talk to. No one really knows if he chooses to be like this or not though. Jerry’s isolation keeps him from communicating with other people while he lives by himself in a room in a 4-story boarding house. Jerry could have isolated himself from everyone else as a defensive trait. Jerry could have been afraid of something harming him or in that sort of nature so he chose to isolate himself from people in general so no harm could come to his well being.
The second theme is social outcast. Jerry himself is a social outcast. Jerry feels that he is portrayed as being rejected by society, even though it is him that chooses to reject himself from society. In turn Jerry is being a loner instead of being a social outcast that is portrayed as the theme of the play. Jerry explains his life to a random man sitting on a park bench. He explains to Peter, the man on the bench, about his life by starting a conversation about what has happened at the zoo in order to talk to Peter.
F. Conclusion:
the conclusion of this drama is relationship between human and society
Iin Rohmatun Anita Z
A 3200 80 311
Analysis the Zoo Story
A. Character and characterization
1. Peter:
Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets who lives in ignorance of the world outside his settled life.
2. Jerry:
Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man who lives in a boarding house and is very troubled.
B. Setting:
1. Place: New York's Central Park Zoo.
2. Time: on a sunny afternoon.
C. Plot:
While Peter is reading a book on a bench in Central Park, he is interrupted by Jerry, a total stranger, who announces that he has just been to the zoo. Anxious to return to his reading, Peter reacts with merely vague interest and lights his pipe, but he is immediately made uncomfortable by Jerry’s queries about his marital status, children, work, and menage of cats and parakeets. After repeating that he has been to the zoo and that Peter will read about it in the papers the next day if he does not see it on television that very night, Jerry follows several digressions about sociological class distinctions, literary tastes, and his daylong wanderings. He also gives a detailed description of his rooming house and its characters on the Upper West Side. Peter is embarrassed to hear these sordid details. Jerry says that, unlike Peter, he owns little except for toilet articles, pornographic playing cards, eight or nine books, cutlery, empty picture frames, an old Western Union typewriter that prints nothing but capital letters, and a small box containing letters and some sea-rounded rocks that he picked up on a beach when he was a boy. Then he tells of his mother’s desertion of his father and him, as well as her promiscuity, alcoholism, and death at Christmas. He continues with his father’s accidental death and the demise, on Jerry’s high school graduation day, of his guardian, a dour aunt. Jerry confides that his relationships with women are limited to solitary encounters with prostitutes and that his only love affair was a brief one, at age fifteen, with a Greek boy. Then he launches into a long monologue about his disgusting, lusty, alcoholic landlady and her ugly, savage black dog that attacked Jerry daily whenever he tried to enter the rooming house, although he attempted to pacify it by feeding it hamburger for six days. On the seventh day, he poisoned the meat, and the dog fell extremely ill. Strangely, Jerry no longer wanted the dog to die; he had come to believe that if he could somehow make contact with the dog, he could then make contact with people. The moment of contact passed, however, and was lost. From then on, Jerry and the dog lapsed into mutual indifference. Jerry claims to have learned from this misadventure that kindness and cruelty, like other conflicting emotions, are the reality of being. This story has a hypnotic effect on Peter, who makes no comment during its lengthy recitation. Grotesquely exhausted at the end of the story, Jerry sits down on the bench beside Peter and sees that he has annoyed and confused Peter instead of making a breakthrough in communication. Suddenly playful, he tickles Peter’s ribs, driving Peter into almost hysterical laughter. He pokes Peter, then punches him in the arm and forces him to move down the bench. Easily goaded by Jerry’s insults to his manhood, Peter decides to fight for the bench, but when Jerry clicks open a knife and tosses it at him, Peter refuses to pick it up. Jerry rushes over, grabs him by the collar, slaps him, spits on his face, and forces Peter to dart for the knife. Then, sighing heavily, Jerry charges Peter and impales himself on the knife. As Jerry crumbles back onto the bench, with his eyes and mouth wide in agony, his voice acquires an eerie remoteness. Peter is transfixed as Jerry, with faint laughter, tries to summarize in broken, disjointed sentences his knowledge of his own actions. The world, he has found, is a zoo, and he thanks Peter for ending his anguished life. Slowly wiping clean the knife handle with his own handkerchief, Jerry urges Peter to hurry away. As Peter retreats with a pitiable howl, Jerry ends the play with a combination of scornful mockery and a desperate supplication to the God who failed to give him a cure for his desperate alienation.
D. Point of View:
The point of view is the third person. Narrator is not involved in this drama. The narrator is just telling the story.
E. Themes:
The first theme used within this story is isolation. Regardless of who you are, most people have felt isolation at one point in time during their life. Anyone can really relate to this theme the author used in this play. Jerry feels isolated from the world because he has no one to turn to or talk to. No one really knows if he chooses to be like this or not though. Jerry’s isolation keeps him from communicating with other people while he lives by himself in a room in a 4-story boarding house. Jerry could have isolated himself from everyone else as a defensive trait. Jerry could have been afraid of something harming him or in that sort of nature so he chose to isolate himself from people in general so no harm could come to his well being.
The second theme is social outcast. Jerry himself is a social outcast. Jerry feels that he is portrayed as being rejected by society, even though it is him that chooses to reject himself from society. In turn Jerry is being a loner instead of being a social outcast that is portrayed as the theme of the play. Jerry explains his life to a random man sitting on a park bench. He explains to Peter, the man on the bench, about his life by starting a conversation about what has happened at the zoo in order to talk to Peter.
F. Conclusion:
the conclusion of this drama is relationship between human and society
The Proposal....
Iin Rohmatun Anita Zuliani
A 320 080 311
By Anton Chekhov
1. Character and Characterization:
a. Stepan:
Chubukov is a landowner. His physical looks like 60 years old. He is a kind-man and polite, for instance to his neighbor. He is relax and senile.
b. Natalya:
Natalya is a Chubukov’s daughter. She is 25 years old. Natalya is a fussy girl. She wants to get everything what she wants. She is in love, egad, she is like a love-sick cat.
c. Ivan:
Ivan is a neighbor of Chubukov. He is 35 years old, a critical age. Ivan is a large and hearty. If he gets nervous, his heart’s palpitating awfully, especially when face with Natalya. He does not have a brave in front of woman.
2. Setting:
a. Place:
It is happened in Chubunkov’s country-house, exactly a t drawing room.
b. Time:
It is happened in evening, about 7 p.m.
3. Plot Summary:
In the evening, Lomov comes to Chubunkov’s house. He wears evening dress, gloves, hat, and so on. Chubunkov is surprised but feels so glad when meet him. Lomov says that he wants to propose Natalya, Chubunkov’s daughter. Chubunkov is very happy when hears that and directly accepts the proposal. Lomov feels he is not proper man to Natalya. It is the right time for Lomov to ask Natalya in marriage.
Chubunkov shouts to call Natlya. Natalya enters to drawing room. She seems happy and shy. First they are talking about the wheather. Then when Lomov discusses Oxen meadows is his mine, Natalya becomes dies angry and says disagreement. She quarrels with Lomov to get land right. Natalya humiliates Lomov, she thinks that he is a good neighbor but Lomov is just a Land-grabber, Lomov cannot control has emotional sense and shout to Natalya. Natalya complais to her father and ask to him to state that Meadows is Chubukov’s mine. Lomov accuses Chubukov has taken the Meadows from Lomov’s family. He thinks that the Lomov’s is honourable people.
The situation becomes more critical, Lomov and Chubukov humiliate their family each other. Lomov’s heart cannot stop palpitate. Then he decides to leave that house. After Lomovs leaving them, Chubukov forget to say that actually Lemov’s co,oing is to propose Natalya. He wants to make a proposal. Natalya is shocked when hear that. She wants Lomov comeback soon. Natalya shall acknowledge that Oxen Meadows is Lomov’s mine. She also asks forgiving abaout debating before. Chubukov is greatly asthonished with the alteration of his daughter opinion.
Natalya and Lomov talk of something else. They talk about their dogs. But they repeat their fight anymore. Lomov argues that Guess is the best dog. He is a first-rate dog. But Natalya disagree it, the squeezer is better than Guess. They do it again, humiliate to each other. Chubukov joins the dispute. They compare their dogs and tell the ugliness.
Suddenly, Lomov feels numb and collapse. Natalya shouts to her papa, Lomov has died. Chubukov is frightened and take a drink to make Lomov awake. Unexpectedly, Lomov becomes aware, and Chubukov ask to them marry as quickly. Natalya is willing to marry with Lomov. They kiss each other,, and Natalya said that Lomov wants to admit Guess is worse that squeezer. Lomov disagree it, and argues that Guess is the best.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is content the man and the society. In this story, the man faced by the society in around.
Iin Rohmatun Anita Zuliani
A 320 080 311
By Anton Chekhov
1. Character and Characterization:
a. Stepan:
Chubukov is a landowner. His physical looks like 60 years old. He is a kind-man and polite, for instance to his neighbor. He is relax and senile.
b. Natalya:
Natalya is a Chubukov’s daughter. She is 25 years old. Natalya is a fussy girl. She wants to get everything what she wants. She is in love, egad, she is like a love-sick cat.
c. Ivan:
Ivan is a neighbor of Chubukov. He is 35 years old, a critical age. Ivan is a large and hearty. If he gets nervous, his heart’s palpitating awfully, especially when face with Natalya. He does not have a brave in front of woman.
2. Setting:
a. Place:
It is happened in Chubunkov’s country-house, exactly a t drawing room.
b. Time:
It is happened in evening, about 7 p.m.
3. Plot Summary:
In the evening, Lomov comes to Chubunkov’s house. He wears evening dress, gloves, hat, and so on. Chubunkov is surprised but feels so glad when meet him. Lomov says that he wants to propose Natalya, Chubunkov’s daughter. Chubunkov is very happy when hears that and directly accepts the proposal. Lomov feels he is not proper man to Natalya. It is the right time for Lomov to ask Natalya in marriage.
Chubunkov shouts to call Natlya. Natalya enters to drawing room. She seems happy and shy. First they are talking about the wheather. Then when Lomov discusses Oxen meadows is his mine, Natalya becomes dies angry and says disagreement. She quarrels with Lomov to get land right. Natalya humiliates Lomov, she thinks that he is a good neighbor but Lomov is just a Land-grabber, Lomov cannot control has emotional sense and shout to Natalya. Natalya complais to her father and ask to him to state that Meadows is Chubukov’s mine. Lomov accuses Chubukov has taken the Meadows from Lomov’s family. He thinks that the Lomov’s is honourable people.
The situation becomes more critical, Lomov and Chubukov humiliate their family each other. Lomov’s heart cannot stop palpitate. Then he decides to leave that house. After Lomovs leaving them, Chubukov forget to say that actually Lemov’s co,oing is to propose Natalya. He wants to make a proposal. Natalya is shocked when hear that. She wants Lomov comeback soon. Natalya shall acknowledge that Oxen Meadows is Lomov’s mine. She also asks forgiving abaout debating before. Chubukov is greatly asthonished with the alteration of his daughter opinion.
Natalya and Lomov talk of something else. They talk about their dogs. But they repeat their fight anymore. Lomov argues that Guess is the best dog. He is a first-rate dog. But Natalya disagree it, the squeezer is better than Guess. They do it again, humiliate to each other. Chubukov joins the dispute. They compare their dogs and tell the ugliness.
Suddenly, Lomov feels numb and collapse. Natalya shouts to her papa, Lomov has died. Chubukov is frightened and take a drink to make Lomov awake. Unexpectedly, Lomov becomes aware, and Chubukov ask to them marry as quickly. Natalya is willing to marry with Lomov. They kiss each other,, and Natalya said that Lomov wants to admit Guess is worse that squeezer. Lomov disagree it, and argues that Guess is the best.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is content the man and the society. In this story, the man faced by the society in around.
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
drama season II
A 320 080 311
1. Characterization
a. Biff Loman : a 34 year old son of Willy who has been searching for himself while working on farms in the west to the dismay of his father.
b. Bernard: a bookish friend of Biff and Happy who urges Biff to study in high school to no avail, however, he himself makes it as a prominent lawyer and goes to argue a case to the supreme court at the end of the play.
c. Charley: Bernard’s father who is fairly successful and offers Willy a job which Willy refuses on the basis of pride.
d. Happy Loman: the younger brother of Biff who tries in all he can to please his father and attempts to continue his father’s dream after he dies.
e. Linda Loman: the wife of Willy who tries to protect Willy’s feelings and can’t make herself confront him if it means hurting his feelings.
f. Willy Loman: a 63 year old once popular salesman who’s lost his popularity and sales, not to mention his mind.
2. Setting
- Restaurant; Restaurant where Stanley works where the Lomans were supposed to have dinner at the end of the play.
- The hotel; The hotel where Willy stays while in New England for his business trips. This is where Biff catches his father in the affair.
- Willy’s house; Small house in New York surrounded by apartments.
3. Plot
a. Exposition:
Willy comes home early from his work trip because he is not longer able to drive and he can’t do his job. Biff is home after working as a farm hand for many years in the West. But with the contrasting seeds of conflict buried here, this initial situation isn’t bound to last long.
b. Conflict:
Willy’s mental wanderings are getting worse; he is preoccupied with Biff’s aimlessness and inability to find success in business. Linda informs her sons that Willy has been trying to commit suicide and tells Biff that his father’s life is in his hands. Biff needs to get a job and get serious – or take the blame for his father’s actions.
c. Complication:
Willy gets fired and Biff doesn’t even get close enough to a job to get fired.
d. Climax:
Biff gets honest and destroys Willy’s dream; Willy finally realizes that Biff loves him.
e. Suspense:
Willy starts chatting with the imaginary figure of his brother and considers killing himself.
f. Denouement:
Willy commits suicide.Willy’s death was actually a foregone conclusion. The play’s title and Linda both predict it. What was unsure earlier in the play was why Willy would commit suicide. And the why, as we’ve discussed, is the real kicker.
g. Resolution:
Biff rejects his father’s misguided dream, but Happy runs with it.
4. Theme.
a. The Death of a Dream:
The play centers primarily on the inability of Willy Loman to fulfill his dream of a more prosperous and rewarding life for himself and his family. Willy’s failure as a breadwinner and father are due mostly to his own shortcomings, but he is also a victim of the survival-of-the-fittest business philosophy taking hold in America.
b. Unrealistic Expectations:
Throughout his career, Willy has been an average salesman at best. However, he has always thought himself far above average. Consequently, he has always expected more than he deserves. In addition, he has always expected Biff to become a high achiever, as he was as a football player in high school.
5. Summary
This drama above summary, the form is man and society. It can be shown that the above story drama about Willy, he is faced with a complex life (work, dreams, and family) and the people around him.
A 320 080 311
1. Characterization
a. Biff Loman : a 34 year old son of Willy who has been searching for himself while working on farms in the west to the dismay of his father.
b. Bernard: a bookish friend of Biff and Happy who urges Biff to study in high school to no avail, however, he himself makes it as a prominent lawyer and goes to argue a case to the supreme court at the end of the play.
c. Charley: Bernard’s father who is fairly successful and offers Willy a job which Willy refuses on the basis of pride.
d. Happy Loman: the younger brother of Biff who tries in all he can to please his father and attempts to continue his father’s dream after he dies.
e. Linda Loman: the wife of Willy who tries to protect Willy’s feelings and can’t make herself confront him if it means hurting his feelings.
f. Willy Loman: a 63 year old once popular salesman who’s lost his popularity and sales, not to mention his mind.
2. Setting
- Restaurant; Restaurant where Stanley works where the Lomans were supposed to have dinner at the end of the play.
- The hotel; The hotel where Willy stays while in New England for his business trips. This is where Biff catches his father in the affair.
- Willy’s house; Small house in New York surrounded by apartments.
3. Plot
a. Exposition:
Willy comes home early from his work trip because he is not longer able to drive and he can’t do his job. Biff is home after working as a farm hand for many years in the West. But with the contrasting seeds of conflict buried here, this initial situation isn’t bound to last long.
b. Conflict:
Willy’s mental wanderings are getting worse; he is preoccupied with Biff’s aimlessness and inability to find success in business. Linda informs her sons that Willy has been trying to commit suicide and tells Biff that his father’s life is in his hands. Biff needs to get a job and get serious – or take the blame for his father’s actions.
c. Complication:
Willy gets fired and Biff doesn’t even get close enough to a job to get fired.
d. Climax:
Biff gets honest and destroys Willy’s dream; Willy finally realizes that Biff loves him.
e. Suspense:
Willy starts chatting with the imaginary figure of his brother and considers killing himself.
f. Denouement:
Willy commits suicide.Willy’s death was actually a foregone conclusion. The play’s title and Linda both predict it. What was unsure earlier in the play was why Willy would commit suicide. And the why, as we’ve discussed, is the real kicker.
g. Resolution:
Biff rejects his father’s misguided dream, but Happy runs with it.
4. Theme.
a. The Death of a Dream:
The play centers primarily on the inability of Willy Loman to fulfill his dream of a more prosperous and rewarding life for himself and his family. Willy’s failure as a breadwinner and father are due mostly to his own shortcomings, but he is also a victim of the survival-of-the-fittest business philosophy taking hold in America.
b. Unrealistic Expectations:
Throughout his career, Willy has been an average salesman at best. However, he has always thought himself far above average. Consequently, he has always expected more than he deserves. In addition, he has always expected Biff to become a high achiever, as he was as a football player in high school.
5. Summary
This drama above summary, the form is man and society. It can be shown that the above story drama about Willy, he is faced with a complex life (work, dreams, and family) and the people around him.
Sabtu, 23 April 2011
robert burn, in my poem collection
Love In The Guise Of Friendship . Robert Burns |
Talk not of love, it gives me pain, For love has been my foe; He bound me in an iron chain, And plung'd me deep in woe. plunged But friendship's pure and lasting joys, My heart was form'd to prove; form There, welcome win and wear the prize, But never talk of love. Your friendship much can make me blest, O why that bliss destroy? Why urge the only, one request You know I will deny? Your thought, if Love must harbour there, harbor Conceal it in that thought; Nor cause me from my bosom tear The very friend I sought. |
Sabtu, 09 April 2011
Nama: Iin Rohmatun Anita Z
NIM: A 320080 311
1. The Characters are:
a. The Proffessor, aged 50 to 60
b. The Younhg Pupil, aged 19
c. The Maid, aged 45 to 50
major character : The Proffessor
nimor character : The young Pupil and The Maid
2. Characterization
a. The Professor is an intellectual man, egoist, cold blooded murder, and he has psychology problem.
b. The Maid is a strong, brave, smart, carefully, and she has psychology problem.
c. The Young Pupil is a discipline, weak or strength of the body, and then she has high spirit and diligent student.
3. Plot
in the Lesson drama use the cronologic order all of the events occur in the order in which they happened in writing
3. Setting
- in the morning
-dinning room
- the office
4. Theme
we must able to think quicky when get bad situation especially in dangerous situation
Nama: Iin Rohmatun Anita Z
NIM: A 320080 311
1. The Characters are:
a. The Proffessor, aged 50 to 60
b. The Younhg Pupil, aged 19
c. The Maid, aged 45 to 50
major character : The Proffessor
nimor character : The young Pupil and The Maid
2. Characterization
a. The Professor is an intellectual man, egoist, cold blooded murder, and he has psychology problem.
b. The Maid is a strong, brave, smart, carefully, and she has psychology problem.
c. The Young Pupil is a discipline, weak or strength of the body, and then she has high spirit and diligent student.
3. Plot
in the Lesson drama use the cronologic order all of the events occur in the order in which they happened in writing
3. Setting
- in the morning
-dinning room
- the office
Setting of Times and Places
a. Setting times: In the morning when summer reason.
b. Setting places: In the office and dining room of a small French flat.
4. Theme
we must able to think quicky when get bad situation especially in dangerous situation
Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011
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