Sabtu, 23 April 2011

robert burn, in my poem collection

Love In The Guise Of Friendship . Robert Burns

Talk not of love, it gives me pain,
For love has been my foe;
He bound me in an iron chain,
And plung'd me deep in woe. plunged

But friendship's pure and lasting joys,
My heart was form'd to prove; form
There, welcome win and wear the prize,
But never talk of love.

Your friendship much can make me blest,
O why that bliss destroy?
Why urge the only, one request
You know I will deny?

Your thought, if Love must harbour there, harbor
Conceal it in that thought;
Nor cause me from my bosom tear
The very friend I sought.

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Nama: Iin Rohmatun Anita Z
NIM: A 320080 311

1. The Characters are:
a. The Proffessor, aged 50 to 60
b. The Younhg Pupil, aged 19
c. The Maid, aged 45 to 50
major character : The Proffessor
nimor character : The young Pupil and The Maid
2. Characterization
a. The Professor is an intellectual man, egoist, cold blooded murder, and he has psychology problem.
b. The Maid is a strong, brave, smart, carefully, and she has psychology problem.
c. The Young Pupil is a discipline, weak or strength of the body, and then she has high spirit and diligent student.
3. Plot
in the Lesson drama use the cronologic order all of the events occur in the order in which they happened in writing
3. Setting
- in the morning
-dinning room
- the office

  Setting of Times and Places
    a. Setting times: In the morning when summer reason.
    b. Setting places: In the office and dining room of a small French flat.

4. Theme
we must able to think quicky when get bad situation especially in dangerous situation